We reject molecular or chemically manipulated constructions, the only elements we recognize are heat, cold, drying and fermenting, salting, sugaring. These elemental techniques take us back to the start of our profession and move us past present gimmicks to a future of flavors that make us question the role of identity. who is served and who isn’t? Gestalt dining is this. Gestalt does not reject identity labels but asks that we reconfigure them as many times as we want to get the desired result. And what do we desire? Each must answer this. Gestalt tastes like French, Japanese, West African, Italian, Ghulam, Mesoamerican. Gestalt is not fusion.


  1. root vegetable maltina purslane shrooooooooomS

  2. peppers pickled woodear akara xo chimilco

  3. sea weed breadfruit more maltina

  4. plantain beans

  5. red beans coconut cassava

  6. red rice free john more plantin (scallops?)

  7. free john juice boba